Tongues, tears, tackling snow, & tight spaces

We had some fun last week!

Ellie discovered her inner “Uncle Butter” and started hanging her tongue way out of her mouth. It’s cute because she’s still little. šŸ™‚


Abi made Ellie an Indian Headband.


We had Saturday Morning Snuggles.


We got some snow that became ice, so my little man Eli helped me scrape off the driveway. (So the van could make it up the grade!)


Ellie heard us. (The scraper is pretty noisy). We, however, did not hear her as quickly as she heard us and she was pretty upset by the time we came inside for a pair of gloves for Eli.


Thankfully, her tears didn’t last long. We bundled her up, sat her in the stroller, and she had a blast…sitting there all cute, watching Mommy and Eli do all the heavy lifting. šŸ™‚


And then, in case you’re wondering what it’s REALLY like at our house on any given morning … three kiddos…one tiny bathroom… and Mommy trying to get clean for the day.


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